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Lunatic Fortuna…進撃の巨人リヴァイ溺愛

第63章 Moon【番外編】

曲名「call your name」


She lost her ****a month ago
His picture on the wall
And ***reminds me

....When she brings ***coffee...her smile
I wish I could ***with her 'til my last day

She said She ***all her love to me
We dreamt a new life
Some place***be at peace
But things changed...Suddenly
I lost ***dreams in this disaster

I'm crying
Missing *** lover
I don't have ***power
On my side forever

Oh Where is my lover
*** I got no power
I'm standing alone, *** way
Calling out your name

I said I gave *** my love to you
We dreamt ***new house
Some place ***be at peace
But things changed...Suddenly

I lost my dreams i***this disaster
We don't know what ***wrong tonight
Everbody's ***no place to hide
No one's left and there's ***one to go on
All I know i***my life is gone

I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On ***side forever

Oh Where is my lover
And I got ***power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name

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